Turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper
Turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper

turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper

Unless money is tight, I still recommend picking this game up. A lot of games do backtracking poorly, but Turnip Boy does it in a way that is time efficient, and serves to make the different parts of the map more deeply ingrained into my memory, rather than feeling like a chore. They built a small little world that is compelling and draws intrigue. I can tell a lot of passion into this, and a lot of attention to detail is evident in how seamless it is to progress the plot. The high price tag is a lot easier to swallow for small, growing, indie studios than it would be for a bigger company. The main success of this game is getting me excited to see what is in store for Snoozy Kazoo. So much of what I'm supposed to find funny about this game is "you know that thing? well we know it too." I'm not a huge believer in length = price tag, as I feel it incentivizes developers to drag out a game, but $15 for a 4 hour game better be Firewatch caliber, and nothing of this game is to that standard. There's a random character that will just go into the navy seal copypasta completely unprovoked. There's a very out of place JoJo reference that amounts to nothing gameplay wise. While this game *can* be genuinely funny at points (for some reason it never gets old when someone hands Turnip boy an important piece of paper and he immediately rips it in half), a lot of the "attempts" at humor are lazy and overly dependent on references. The main praise I hear for this game is its comedic writing. Certainly not bad enough to keep me from 100% completing this game, but enough that I mostly felt on autopilot. The result of this is extremely surface level puzzling. The most compelling part of the gameplay is the portal gun, but the game being in a top down 2D perspective, its impact on the gameplay is minimal. The water can feature can feel a bit unnecessary, sometimes to the point of it seeming like an artificial game lengthener. The combat is super basic, never adopting any kind of range attacks, unless the bombs are explicitly laid out for you. The gameplay seemed like it would be reminiscent of the original Legend of Zelda games. The gameplay seemed like it would be reminiscent of the original Underwhelming variety, dialogue, and length when compared to the price tag. Underwhelming variety, dialogue, and length when compared to the price tag.

Turnip boy commits tax evasion bell pepper